Thursday, December 18, 2008

San Francisco - walking tours and Alcatraz

BIG fire truck!

Fi walking...she had VERY sore feet by this stage!

Fi on the steps along Lyon St

Davey and Fi self portrait

View from the intersection of Hyde and Lombard Sts

Davey and Fi

Davey!!! :-)

Crissy Field - a park in San Francisco

Golden Gate Bridge

Davey and Fi squinting in the sunlight

Fi on the Ferry to Alcatraz

Davey on the ferry to Alcatraz

Approaching Alcatraz

Five star accommodation...imagine being in one of these 16-23 hrs a day!

A cell from the outside

San Francisco - walking tours and Alcatraz

BIG fire truck!
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Checking no.4

Hi again!

We just thought we'd check in again before we head to Mexico City tomorrow.

The past few days have mainly involved walking around, taking in the city, atmosphere and people, and enjoying the crisp air. We are both in love with San Francisco - it is so beautiful, its buildings are simply amazing, its parks are breath-taking and the food is delicious. We've done a fair bit of walking (5 1/2 hours yesterday) and love the roads - it's so hilly and there are some seriously steep climbs. It's also very cyclist-friendly, with a number of the road shoulders being very wide and accommodating. We also found some really nice a few places (FINALLY!), so will be sorry to leave that behind.

We undertook the night tour of Alcatraz this evening...very interesting and educational. It's crazy to put yourself in the prisoners' shoes and try to conceive of spending 16-23 hours a day in such a cramped, cold and bare cell...and although it was a maximum security prison, to earn a sentence there all the prisoners needed to do was commit a crime in the community and then commit another crime in the prison they were incarcerated in (varying from exploiting the system to work to your advantage to kidnapping a Warden/murdering a fellow inmate). So really, the prisoners weren't necessarily the biggest and baddest dudes on the block...just those the government believed should be isolated from other prisoners on the mainland. Interesting...

As mentioned, we head to Mexico City tomorrow morning (arriving in Mexico in the evening). We'll be spending the next 10 days there before making our way home...hopefully it should be a fun and enjoyable experience.

We hope you're all healthy and happy...and looking forward to Christmas!

Lots of love
Dave and Fi

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Yummy Clam's very popular over here and now we know why!

Davey eating the yummy Clam Chowder

Davey's happy eating his Clam Chowder :-)

View from the Crookedest Street (Cnr of Lombard and Hyde Street)

View of Coit Tower and San Francisco buildings

Fi checking out the view from the Crookedest Street

San Francisco - view from Telegraph Hill

View 1: Bay Bridge

View 2: Golden Gate Bridge

View 3: Davey!!!

Tahoe City

Davey and Fi in Tahoe City

Davey and his friend

Beautiful sky!!!

Our hotel - the Pepper Tree Inn (and it had a fantastic spa!)